Does a woman’s temperature rise a week before her period indicate pregnancy?

 Does a woman’s temperature rise a week before her period indicate pregnancy?

Women suffer from many symptoms that precede the expected menstrual period approximately 7-10 days before, and these symptoms may vary from one woman to another and within the same woman from month to month.

Does a woman’s temperature rise a week before her period indicate pregnancy?

The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which precedes the menstrual cycle, may be confused with early pregnancy symptoms, as they share symptoms of nausea, vomiting, feeling tired, swelling, pain in the breast, bloating, and other symptoms. However, it must be known that if the menstrual period is not delayed and its date is missed, there is no link. Between high temperature and pregnancy.

It should be noted that an increase in body temperature may occur during ovulation or after it ends, as estrogen levels decrease and progesterone levels increase.

Or this may be the result of one of the following possibilities:

 1 Allergy to substances produced by the breakdown of progesterone.
 2  Effect on neurotransmitters in the brain by progesterone.
 3 Changes in the levels of some neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.

It should be noted that there are many other early symptoms that indicate pregnancy more clearly, including the following:

 * Missed menstruation.
 * Implantation bleeding of the egg in the uterine wall.
 * Nausea and vomiting occur.
 * Women feel headache and dizziness.
 * Frequent urination.
 * Mood changes and fluctuations.
 * Nasal congestion.

Pregnancy symptoms according to the months of pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms may indicate the possibility of pregnancy, but they do not confirm it, as the presence of pregnancy in its early stages is confirmed only through medical examinations, i.e. blood analysis and ultrasound examination. Pregnancy symptoms can vary depending on the months of pregnancy, and pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another, and it is not necessary for a woman to feel them every time she becomes pregnant.

Pregnancy symptoms in the first month.

A woman may wonder about the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy, especially in the first month. We mention below a number of these symptoms:

Physical symptoms

Signs of pregnancy in the first month may include the following:

 1 Absence of menstruation.
 2 Nausea.
 3 Bloating.
4 Urinating more frequently than usual.
5 Swelling or tenderness in the chest.
6 The absence of pregnancy symptoms in the first month does not mean that there is something wrong, and given the difference in pregnancy symptoms depending on the months of pregnancy, not all of these 7symptoms may appear in the pregnant woman, but at least one of them may appear.

Psychological symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms in the first month may include a number of psychological changes and symptoms as well, including:

*Feeling unbalanced.
*Mood swings.
*Lack of patience.
*Stress and confusion.
*Emotional disturbance. One of the symptoms of pregnancy in the first month is that the pregnant woman may feel fear at times, and joy and high spirits at other times.

Danger signs during pregnancy in the first months

Due to the difference in pregnancy symptoms depending on the months of pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms are mixed with danger signs for some, so it is necessary to distinguish between them.

Danger signs during pregnancy in the first months include:

*Vaginal bleeding and uterine contractions similar to menstruation.
*Excessive vomiting, which exposes the mother to dehydration.
*High temperature, with skin rash and joint pain.
*Vaginal discharge accompanied by itching.
*Pain while urinating.
*Severe pain or swelling in the foot.

Many hormonal changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy, and these changes lead to the appearance of some signs and symptoms, and a high  temperature may be one of them and does not usually cause concern, but medical care must be intervened if there are other symptoms accompanying the high temperature or if it rises more than From 37.8 degrees Celsius, to ensure the safety of both the mother and the fetus.

This article is exclusively published by a blog  achcairo