Causes and treatment of facial acne for pregnant women

 Causes and treatment of facial acne for pregnant women

It is very common for acne or facial pimples to appear during pregnancy, as more than half of pregnant women suffer from this problem, and in some cases the pregnant woman’s facial pimples are severe and require therapeutic intervention that takes place under the supervision of a doctor, as the pregnancy period is, by nature, sensitive. Extremely, a pregnant woman should not receive any medicinal treatments during this period that could cause harm to the fetus.
Causes and treatment of facial acne for pregnant women

Since most acne treatment medications are prohibited for pregnant women, knowing how to treat facial acne during pregnancy and dealing with this problem is an important matter that all pregnant women must be aware of.

So, in this article, the reasons for the appearance of facial pimples in pregnant women and how it is possible to get rid of facial pimples in pregnant women will be mentioned.

Causes of facial pimples for pregnant women

The main cause of facial pimples in pregnant women is the increase in the levels of a number of body hormones during the first three months of pregnancy, as this causes an increase in the production of natural oils from the skin.

The hormones whose elevation has been linked to the occurrence of facial pimples in pregnant women include progesterone and androgenic hormones, including testosterone and androstenedione.

The chance of developing acne usually increases for a pregnant woman if the woman previously suffered from acne in previous stages of her life, or if she suffered from it at the beginning of the menstrual cycle in particular.

When do facial pimples appear during pregnancy?

Acne on the face of pregnant women usually appears in the first months, as the increase in hormone levels usually occurs to the highest extent during the first trimester of pregnancy, and then begins to decrease in the later stages of pregnancy, which helps in reducing the appearance of acne in pregnant women in these stages. . However, this does not always happen, as it is possible for a pregnant woman to continue to have facial acne throughout the pregnancy and even after giving birth as well. [

However, what is reassuring is that the absence of facial pimples during the first trimester of pregnancy means that the pregnant woman will not suffer from them in the remaining stages of pregnancy.

Do facial pimples always indicate pregnancy?

Although acne appears during pregnancy in many women, it is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy in the woman.
 Acne can occur as a result of any fluctuation in the body’s hormones, not just pregnancy. For example, it can occur as a result of polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperthyroidism.

Is there a relationship between facial acne during pregnancy and the gender of the fetus?

There is a belief that there is a relationship between pregnant women’s facial acne and the sex of the fetus. It is said that pregnancy with a girl causes the mother’s skin to become dull and acne appears, while pregnancy with a boy does not cause this to happen.

From a scientific standpoint, this belief is wrong, as the hormonal changes that cause facial pimples in pregnant women occur in most women, regardless of the sex of the fetus.

How to treat facial pimples for pregnant women safely
Treating facial acne for pregnant women can be difficult, because many of the treatments used to treat acne carry a high risk of birth defects in the fetus.

Below we mention a number of methods that can be used to safely get rid of facial pimples during pregnancy:

Treating facial pimples for pregnant women with medications

There are several options that you can consider when choosing a facial acne treatment cream for pregnant women, which may be available either with or without a prescription.

Examples of medications that can be used to safely treat facial acne during pregnancy:

1: Glycolic acid, which is one of the beta hydroxy acids, helps reduce acne by dissolving dead skin that clogs pores. Some doctors may consider it a safer option for treating facial acne for pregnant women compared to salicylic acid. .

2: Azelaic acid, which in addition to treating acne, can help treat post-inflammatory   hyperpigmentation, thus reducing the chance of scarring after treating facial acne in pregnant women.

 3: Benzoyl Peroxide, which helps solve the problem of facial acne in pregnant women by killing acne-causing bacteria and cleaning the pores of excess oil and dead skin cells.

 4: Topical creams containing clindamycin and erythromycin.

Treating facial pimples for pregnant women with herbs and natural methods

There are a number of natural options that can be used to get rid of facial acne when pregnant, including:

Apple cider vinegar

It is recommended to mix one tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of distilled water, then soak a piece of cotton in this mixture and place it on the affected area of the skin.

What distinguishes apple cider vinegar and makes it an option for treating facial acne for pregnant women is that mixing it with water will create a toner rich in natural enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids that are beneficial to solve this problem.

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, including lemons, contain alpha hydroxy acid, so applying the juice extracted from these citrus fruits to the skin can help open pores and get rid of dead skin cells.

As for how to treat facial pimples during pregnancy using citrus juice, it involves squeezing lemon or other citrus fruits, then applying the juice directly to the pimples using a cotton ball, then leaving it for 10 minutes or until it dries, then rinsing the face with cold water.


Honey is used to get rid of facial pimples for pregnant women because it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and it also works to soothe the skin. It is recommended to rinse the face first with warm water before applying honey to the face. Then apply the honey directly to the affected area for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse the face again with warm water.

Coconut Oil

In order to treat facial pimples during pregnancy, it is recommended to apply virgin coconut oil instead of moisturizer before bed, as coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It also works to soothe the skin and can be absorbed easily, which makes it a suitable option if you want to treat facial pimples in pregnant women with herbs..

Oatmeal and cucumber

The mixture containing oatmeal and cucumber has soothing and cooling properties for the skin, and can help treat acne in pregnant women. Therefore, after mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to put it in the freezer, then apply it to the face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it.


Yogurt has several effects that make it a suitable choice for treating facial acne in pregnant women. It has a beneficial effect and contains probiotics that enhance the functions of beneficial facial bacteria. It also contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates the face.

Therefore, yogurt can be used to make a face mask and a natural mixture to treat facial acne when pregnant, twice a week.

baking soda

Baking soda helps dry the oil on the skin of pregnant women, so it can be used to alleviate and treat acne during pregnancy, by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water, and then placing this mixture on each pimple. Remove pimples, leave them to dry, and then wash your face.

However, baking soda can cause skin irritation and remove important protective oils from the surface of the skin, so it is best to use it on the pimple itself, and not cover the entire affected area with a mixture of baking soda and water. 

Preventing facial acne for pregnant women

The appearance of facial pimples during pregnancy is a natural thing, and the best thing to do to treat and prevent this problem is to take good care of the skin. Below we mention a number of tips in order to reduce the appearance of facial pimples in pregnant women:

 * Wash your face only twice a day.

 * Use a cleanser that is gentle on the skin, free of oils and alcohol, and does not abrade or scratch the skin.

 * Use a new, clean cotton towel or towel every time when washing your face.
 * Gently dry the skin after washing and then apply an appropriate moisturizer.
 * Avoid excessive facial cleansing, as this can further stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin.
 * Change pillow covers periodically.
 * Keep hands away from face as much as possible.
 * Avoid squeezing facial pimples and extracting pus from them.
 * Use oil-free makeup, and make sure to remove makeup every night before going to sleep.

The mother does not have to worry about the appearance of these pimples on the face that appear during pregnancy, as they gradually disappear after birth. If you want to treat these pimples, it is preferable to consult a specialist dermatologist, in order to obtain the appropriate treatment without the negative impact or harm to the health and development of the fetus.

This article is purely from the achcairo blog. We also wish you good health and do not forget to consult your doctor